Last night I went to the ladie's Bible study at my church. The actual lesson applied more to married women than to single (although, to the teacher's credit, she did keep adding in little tidbits for the handfull of single women in the crowd like me) but it ended up being filed away in my mind as something "for future reference" for when I'm married someday.
As I was thinking about my future marriage, though, God asked me a strange and scary question: "Am I enough to satisfy you? Would you be okay if I were to call you to sit at my feel daily like Mary, but not be a wife and a mother?" The horrible thing was that I had to REALLY think about that before I could give God an answer...and, to be quite honest, I'm not proud of my answer. My answer was "Yes...but not forever." I could sense that God wanted more out of me, but I was at very least honest with Him.
After class I was talking to one of the elder's wives, Cheryl, and I mentioned the little conversation that me and God had earlier that night. She looked at me with her most intense stare (those of you who know Cheryl know how scary this stare can be!!!) and she said "Rebekah, learn the lesson God's trying to teach you well. I am 53 years old and I am just now letting God teach me that He is sufficient for me. If you learn now that He's all you need, then no matter where you go in life, no matter what crap you go through, He'll be enough, and you'll be okay. It won't matter who comes and goes out of your life because He'll be enough for you, He'll fill you. Your life will be leaps and bounds more wonderful than it could be otherwise if you learn that He's sufficient for ALL of your needs...ALL of them, even the need to be romanced."
That impromptu life lesson really hit home with me and made me think. I have a long way to go in learning that lesson fully...but I'm trusting God to not only teach it to me, but to make it a part of my that I can confidently proclaim in truth one of my favorite worship songs:
Avoid Passive Writing
1 year ago
Wow. Yep, I'm right there with ya, love.
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