Wednesday, July 30, 2008

yeah, yeah...I blog a lot. Get over it.

I'm a very emotional person and I always have been. It does not take much for me to cry while watching a movie or TV show. I've cried many times reading sad books, and I wept out loud while watching Titanic at the age of 13. Heck - even today I cried watching a TV commercial!

Today I was reading in St. Augustine's "Confessions" about his boyhood, schooling years. He was talking about learning to read in Greek and Latin and these few sentences caught my attention:

"For what more miserable than a miserable being who commiserates not himself; weeping the death of Dido for love to Aeneas, but weeping not his own death for want of love to Thee, O God. Thou light of my heart, Thou bread of my inmost soul, Thou Power who givest vigour to my mind, who quickenest my thoughts, I loved Thee not. I committed fornication against Thee, and all around me thus fornicating there echoed, "Well done! well done! for the friendship of this world is fornication against Thee; and "Well done! well done!" echoes on till one is ashamed to be thus a man. And all this I wept not, I who wept for Dido slain..."

St. Augustine is mourning the fact that he wept for a fictional character's death while his own very real spirit was dying for lack of loving Christ. It's obvious from the next few lines that he did fall head over heels in love with Christ by referring to him as the "light of my heart" and "bread of my inmost soul." This made me think: how many times have I wept over a fictional movie or TV or book character's death compared to weeping over the progressive death because of sin in the lives of real souls all around me? Too many times, that's for sure.

I honestly cannot remember a time where I haven't loved Jesus - I've grown up deeply rooted in the Christian faith. At the same time, though, I do remember times where I chose other things ahead of Christ. I've chosen to love the world and celebrate the things of the world instead of the things of God. How many tears have I shed over this fact compared to the tears I've shed over fictional characters?

May God give me the ability to use even my emotions for His glory - to weep with those who need it, and also to weep for those who don't even know they need it.

So I just discovered something...

I think I'm finally an official grown up.

(Although, I accept the fact that by having to say that I may have invalidated my claim.)

Let me restate that: I realized today that I'm at very least one step closer to being an official grown up.

How did I discover this? I was talking to my sister earlier today and I said "This thing I read said..." and it hit me just like that - within one day I had three times referred to something I had read or was reading. How crazy is that? When did I make the shift from talking about something I've seen or heard or learned about in school to talking about things that I've read on my own freewill? And I'm not talking romance novels or works of fiction - I'm talking online newspaper articles, classic literature, and ancient philosophy and Christian writers. When did that happen?

Not only that, but I find myself all of a sudden thinking about things on a deeper level. Instead of accepting at face value what people tell me like I've tended to in the past, I now actually think about it, and if I can't come to conclusions on my own I research the subject in question. It's like my brain took a developmental leap and all of a sudden my logic and my reasoning abilities have jumped forward. I'm not gonna lie, it's really weird. Cool, but weird.

Anyone else out there who's around my age that's experiencing this? Or maybe someone who's older who remembers feeling this way? Or am I just weird?

Late Night Thoughts

Is it bad that I've become jaded to goodbyes? I feel like I've gotten to the point where saying goodbye is not nearly as painful as it used to be. It used to tear me apart and now it's just another fact of life. Maybe it's because it was too painful caring so much. Maybe it's because I couldn't stand to be hurt like that again and again. I don't know. Either way - my goodbyes this year at the close of the summer aren't nearly as painful as they've been in the past. I don't know if I'm more relieved or worried.

This summer has been a source of so much growth for me. I've had hours upon hours of nothing to do but contemplate various things about life. I've read more this summer than I read the entire school year! I feel like I've taught myself to think again. Somewhere along the line I had lost that. I took everything I knew and was learning for granted and didn't take time out to really contemplate things and think them through. Seeing as how I was pathetically jobless this summer, I've had a whole lot more time for quiet contemplation and the writing out of my thoughts. I've meditated on God's word and He's been so awesome about opening it up before me. I feel like I've discovered so much treasure this summer! It's been truly amazing.

As I'm nearing the close of the summer I'm thoroughly enjoying diving into some literature from the early church fathers. Well - honestly, I've only read stuff by St. Augustine so far, but it's piqued my interest and I'm so going to continue to read up on this stuff. The way I see it is this: the early church fathers are the ones that were directly discipled by the Apostles, who walked with Jesus through his entire ministry on earth. I figure that the things that they believed are MUCH closer to what Jesus taught and the example set by the Apostles than some of the modern beliefs that are held dear in the church today. With that in mind, I begin my journey into the roots of my faith - I can't wait to see what I'm going to learn!

I've been raised in a wonderful Christian home with wonderful teaching from my parents and my church growing up - I'm firmly established in my faith and love in my Jesus...but, I've decided that it's time I go deeper and start researching things on my own instead of eating only what's spoon-fed to me. I've been studying the Bible on my own for quite some time, but I'm ready to expand my study and read the writings from some of the heroes of my faith!

I'll probably blog about my findings quite often on this blog - so be prepared! :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Poetry...

Anyone who knows me knows that I love to write poetry. Here's one of my recent ones:


Jesus, your love sustains me,
Gives me strength to carry on.
You are more than mighty to save
Lifting me when strength is gone

Were it not for your Spirit
Working in my life
I'd be absolutely nothing
Living on in constant strife

Thank you for your hand,
Your presence in my days,
For your tender guidance
I owe you none but praise

You've been far too good -
I don't deserve all you give
Help me to love you more
And for you, my life to live

And, while I'm at it, why don't I include a "psalm" that I wrote as a Sunday school exercise:

Even when I'm far away
Your presence never leaves
Even when I'm most unworthy
You still pursue me, draw me near

I feel so undeserving
Of this love poured out so freely
I feel like I've turned too many times

Everywhere I turn
You search for me
Everywhere I look
You call to me

Like a lion's roar
From miles away
I hear and come -
Come running from my pit

You lift me up once again,
Shining your light on me
Once again I'm safe in your arms
Just where I belong.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Is it bad that I like controversy?

So, a few days ago I was not happy with boys in general. I was thinking about the various ways I've been hurt by boys who weren't thinking at all before they acted (yes, boyS...more than one is involved). Anyways, out of this frustration I posted here and on facebook a blog that said nothing but "BOYS ARE STUPID." I obviously do not hold true to this statement, and meant it to be a funny release of my frustration.

Well - I had no idea the controversy it would create! On facebook I got 11 comments and 5 private messages about the post! Most were guys saying something along the line of "we're not ALL stupid, are we?" or "how rude!" or something equally funny, considering anyone who knows me at all know that I didn't REALLY mean to say that all boys are less intelligent than girls are. The rest of the comments or messages were from girls who were concerned about what horrible event caused me to make such a statement or who wanted to chime in and agree with the sentiment.

Anyways, my point is this: I'm thoroughly enjoying the controversy I stirred up. I had no clue a simple one-sentence note would gain so much attention! Is it absolutely terrible that I'm loving it?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Guess What


That is all.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

God is, really!

I'm so in love with God. I really am. He has brought me out of so much crap this summer.

I came to Weatherford and almost instantly slipped into depression and sadness and just let everyone else determine how I was feeling - I took on the emotions of my parents and my siblings, and it wasn't good. It wasn't me.

It took some struggling, and some major attitude adjustment on my part, but God pulled me out of the pit I had dug myself into. In the words of the Parachute band: "[he] called my soul when I was struggling to breathe. [He] made me whole and now [his] majesty I sing." I was drowning in everything that I was surrounded with and I wasn't strong enough to pull myself out - but He called me. His voice roared like a lion and from miles away I heard it - - - and the cool thing is, when God speaks, He also sends His grace and power as well, giving me the ability to respond.

I feel so free now! I felt surrounded and crowded in, and He's progressively pulled me out over the summer and set me free! I feel like my spirit has room to soar for the first time in months! I feel like I could run and jump and laugh and cheer, all because He set me free! He rescued me and came for me - - - even when I felt most unworthy, He came for me! And - more than that, He showed me how He's been working on me all summer; how He's never left me. He showed me His hand in my life and just how much He's done over the hot summer months to bring me to this place.

Even when I'm far away
Your presence never leaves
Even when I'm most unworthy
You still pursue me, draw me near

I feel so undeserving
Of this love poured out so freely
I feel like I've turned too many time

Everywhere I turn
You search for me
Everywhere I look
You call to me

Like a lion's roar
From miles away
I hear and come -
Come running from my pit

You lift me up once again,
Shining your light on me
Once again I'm safe in your arms
Just where I belong.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Impromptu Life Lesson...

Last night I went to the ladie's Bible study at my church. The actual lesson applied more to married women than to single (although, to the teacher's credit, she did keep adding in little tidbits for the handfull of single women in the crowd like me) but it ended up being filed away in my mind as something "for future reference" for when I'm married someday.

As I was thinking about my future marriage, though, God asked me a strange and scary question: "Am I enough to satisfy you? Would you be okay if I were to call you to sit at my feel daily like Mary, but not be a wife and a mother?" The horrible thing was that I had to REALLY think about that before I could give God an answer...and, to be quite honest, I'm not proud of my answer. My answer was "Yes...but not forever." I could sense that God wanted more out of me, but I was at very least honest with Him.

After class I was talking to one of the elder's wives, Cheryl, and I mentioned the little conversation that me and God had earlier that night. She looked at me with her most intense stare (those of you who know Cheryl know how scary this stare can be!!!) and she said "Rebekah, learn the lesson God's trying to teach you well. I am 53 years old and I am just now letting God teach me that He is sufficient for me. If you learn now that He's all you need, then no matter where you go in life, no matter what crap you go through, He'll be enough, and you'll be okay. It won't matter who comes and goes out of your life because He'll be enough for you, He'll fill you. Your life will be leaps and bounds more wonderful than it could be otherwise if you learn that He's sufficient for ALL of your needs...ALL of them, even the need to be romanced."

That impromptu life lesson really hit home with me and made me think. I have a long way to go in learning that lesson fully...but I'm trusting God to not only teach it to me, but to make it a part of my that I can confidently proclaim in truth one of my favorite worship songs:

all of you
is more than enough
for all of me
for every thirst
and every need
you satisfy me
with your love and
all I have in you
is more than enough.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Hello faceless void that is! Here I am, writing a blog again. Why do I write so much when I haven't gotten a single comment? Because I enjoy writing. I love typing my thoughts and "publishing" them, regardless of who does or doesn't read them. Tonight my thoughts are scattered and varried, so I'm going to blog list-style just because I can!

  • It's amazing how one phone call can change your whole day...especially when it's someone who calls only to tell you that they were just thinking about you. I'm STILL smiling thinking about it.
  • I have come to appritiate what I call my "heart friends." These are the friends that no matter how long it's been since we've been together, we pick right back up where we left off without missing a beat. They are the friends that I can let all of my defences down and be completely myself around...and the ones that I know are completely, whole-heartedly irreplacible.
  • I have a San Angelo shaped hole in my heart. Every day I long to be there more. I miss my friends there more than I can say and hate the fact that I can't tell anyone here how much I'm hurting because I'm not there.
  • Guys frustrate me. I hate the fact that I have to guard my heart so fiercely. I just wish that all guys would be consistant with their actions and their words. Here's a hint for any guys that might read this: if you tell a girl that you see her as nothing more than a friend, TREAT HER THAT WAY, TOO! Actions speak to the heart louder than words do, and a girl will definitely take to heart what you do more than what you us all a favor and be consistant in that way, okay?
  • It's really hard for me to be honest with my friends when I know that my honesty will hurt them. I'd rather just not say anything at all and suffer through than cause the ones I love pain.
  • Finally, it's so amazing how one act of sweet kindness can reverse months of built up pain. It's no secret that I've been really hurting over various things recently, most of them leaving me to feel really rejected and unwanted...but the phone call I started out talking about brought so much healing to my heart. One of my very best guy friends called just to say that he was thinking about me. He told me that the Lord convicted him about not taking time to show those he loves that he genuinely cares about them and I was the first person he thought about needing to call and let know that he loves me. He also told me that no matter where I am in life he wants to stay connected to me and to always have me as a part of his life. This was so sweet and so needed in my life right about now. I almost cried when I got off the phone because I was so grateful to be shown that kind of love in the face of all the rejection I've felt recently. It was definitely a "go God!" kind of moment as my sister would say.

late night thoughts

So, my life is insane. Absolutely insane.

I'm in this really weird place right now where absolutely nothing but my Jesus is solid in my life. Everything else seems to be up in the air or in the middle of changing. I've made decisions, but I don't know how to follow through with them, or even where to begin. I've felt horrible pangs of anger and hurt recently after discovering that I've been used, but I'm still strangely drawn to the person who has hurt me, and find myself hoping for a message from him everytime I log onto facebook...and it was through his own messages that I made my discoveries!

I'm afraid that I still put on somewhat of a happy face for most people. I'm acting really confident and assured of my life, but I'm not. On the inside I'm shaking like a leaf, scared to death of the next few steps I have to take...yet at the same time I'm sure that God's got it under control.

At the same time, a lot of my relationships are changing dramatically. Relationships with family, even! It's like everywhere I look someone's either pulling away from me or all of a sudden really interested in getting closer...not to mention long-term friendships I've had all of a sudden out of nowhere changing, as in we're relating to each other differently. Some of those relationship changes have been awesome and a huge relief, and others not so much. And...others, I haven't decided if I like the changes in the relationships at all yet.

Anyways...I'm not meaning to complain. Gosh, my entries so far have made me sound so sad...I'm really not. I just like venting to the faceless void of the internet the things I can't say to people's faces in real life.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I am broken

I am broken. I am broken and I am hurting. There - I've said it. It's out there for the whole world to read (although I doubt that anyone will). I've been so good at hiding all of my wounds. So good at changing who I am so that I'm not hurt by others anymore. They call a friend of mine "hyper-spiritual" so I tone down my talk of Jesus in every day conversations so that I don't get that lable pinned to me as well. I get one blank stare in responce to a joke, I never dare to make that kind of joke again. I am rejected by a guy, I pretend that I didn't want the relationship in the first place after all...I pretend like I don't want any relationship. I get told indirectly that I'm not beautiful, so I stop asking, I stop letting it be known that I need reassurance in that area - I let my other friends shine and emphasize their beauty instead. When I ask one of my closest friends if I'm beautiful and she responds by telling me nothing but the things about my heart and personality that are beautiful and I receive her "real" message: no, I don't think you're beautiful...I don't even think you're pretty. And the hurt grows. But do I shed a single tear over any of that? Of course not. After all, if I admit that I'm hurt, that I'm absolutely broken inside, then the little good that seems to be left in me will be even further hidden from others. After all, who wants someone so broken? Who would ever desire to be friends with someone who is hurting so badly? I've believed that it's not okay for me to be hurting because it will upset pain and my rejection would inconveinence those around me so I have to keep it hidden, keep it to myself. After all, I have to prove to everyone that it's okay for me to be here, right? I have to show them that my presence serves some purpose, that it's useful...because no one would want me around otherwise, right? No one would want to be near me for the sake of being with me...they only want me because I point them to Jesus. They only want me because I do stupid things to make them laugh. They only want me because I can take being made fun of with a smile and a reaction that makes everyone laugh. Never mind the underlying pain...never mind the fact that I desperately need to know I'm loved...laugh on, my friends, laugh on. That's my purpose, afterall, isn't it? To make you guys laugh? And when I'm not making you laugh, to offer some serious words to make you want to love Jesus more? To learn from my passion for Jesus? Those are all good things...but, is it okay to want to be wanted just for me? To want people to want to be with me because they enjoy being with me, not the purpose I seem to serve?

Oh, I seem like such a happy person. I seem so put together. But I'm not. I'm hurting...why do you think I cry so much during church? Despite a whole lot of deliverence, my pain and my wounds are still just beneath the surface and the tears come easily because the pain is so real. All I need is time to heal. All I need is tender love from Jesus and the freedom to show my pain.

But I don't know when that will be available for me. I don't know when I'll ever feel like people want me for me...when I'll ever be able to stop feeling like I have to be useful to be wanted. Right now, it hurts too much to let my heart stay open. It hurts too much to be vulnerable and ask people that question out loud.

But, if anyone I know is reading this...know that I'm broken...but also know that I know who to look to...that I know that Jesus, in His time, will come and tenderly heal my heart. I just had to finally, out loud, acknowledge that yes, I am hurting...and that, yes, those hurts do matter. No matter how inconvienient it is for those around hurts matter just as much as anyone else's and that I don't have to hide anymore. I don't have to pretend that I'm okay when I'm really not.


It's 3:05am. A warm darkness engulfs my house and all of the precious souls within are wrapped up in a peaceful sleep. The stars shine brightly just outside my window, competing for my attention with the bright moon. The moon that is ever changing, yet at the same time, steadfast in its change. Outside my window, the bright colors of the day are covered by the cool gray tones of night. The colors that are as still and quiet as the sounds of silence that fill my house. The hum of a fan is the only sound I hear, a constant, steady whirring noise that would just as soon go unnoticed if the littlest other sound was present. All is at rest, all is peaceful.

Except for me.

I'm wide awake and my heart is anything but peaceful. My mind is anything but still. Sleep avoids me like I avoided that creepy guy at Wal-Mart the other day. My screaming thoughts block out the peaceful sounds of silence that my family is surrounded with at the moment. I can't get my mind to stop tonight. My heart is pounding, although it has no logical reason to do so. None of the thoughts that are screaming at me are particularly exciting, they are too varried and scattered to be that, and there is no one that I can think of that would cause my heart to pound so. It is leaping in vain. My eyes are open in vain. My mind is racing in vain, not able to settle on a single train of thought.

Pain is the thing that holds my eyes open tonight. My heart is gripped with pain. Pain that has such a nature that I can't quite put my finger on the source of it...pain isn't even the best word to descripe just what grips my heart tonight. Is it emptiness? No - far from it. Is it rejection? No, not that either...Fear? Nervousness? Anxiety? Terror? No, none of those words describe what it is I'm feeling.


Yes, that's it. Longing overshadows my soul. Longing overtakes every sane thought I once had and consumes me tonight. Longing prevents me from enjoying the comfort of my bed and the beauty of the night that surrounds me. What am I longing for, you ask? In a word:


I feel like I'm closer to Him than I've been in my entire life, and yet, I want Him and long for Him more than ever. My dreams are filled with the things of God - my thoughts turn towards Him night and day. My friends accuse me of being hyper-spiritual, but I can't help the fact that I'm consumed by Him. My heart is burning with His fire, and yet I'm still longing for more. Am I crazy? I feel like I'm full to the brim, and yet I'm still pressing in for more...I'm still crying out to the One who has saved me, the One who has become to greatest love of my life to come and let me dwell with Him. You know I've got to be in love if I'm wide awake in the middle of the night and HE is all I can think of.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Excerpt from my Bible study journal

Psalm 15
A psalm of David.
1 LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary?
Who may live on your holy hill?
2 He whose walk is blameless
and who does what is righteous,
who speaks the truth from his heart
3 and has no slander on his tongue,
who does his neighbor no wrong
and casts no slur on his fellowman,
4 who despises a vile man
but honors those who fear the LORD,
who keeps his oath
even when it hurts,
5 who lends his money without usury
and does not accept a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things
will never be shaken.

This psalm gives a list of things describing the character of the one who DWELLS in the house of the Lord, His holy sanctuary. It's interesting because this psalm sets the standard so high from the very beginning: "...he whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous." Right away, from the very beginning, that eliminates ALL of humanity in our own power because "There is none that are righteous, no not one..." (That's in Isaiah or Romans or something like that). If that's the case, then why in the world does God give us a list of standards for those who dwell in his sanctuary that is unattainable from the start? Because he is describing the character of one who doesn't just VISIT his holy sanctuary, but one who dwells there, one who isn't in a hurry to leave, one who LIVES there. By what Jesus did on the cross, the power of sin was BROKEN in our lives, and we were brought near...we were given the "okay" to go boldly and directly to the Father. And, because of that forgiveness, and the access granted through the torn vail, we're allowed to stand in His presence.

Hear this, though: you absolutely CANNOT behold the kind of glory found in God's presence and NOT be transformed. So - this psalm isn't PREscribing a list of things that we'll have to do in order to dwell with God in His holy sanctuary, it is DEscribing the effects that God's presence has on one who dwells there!

At the end of the psalm there's a promise: "He who does these things will never be shaken." Why will they never be shaken? Because to have the grace to be transformed to have the character described for such a steady, rock solid life, sinful man cannot simply visit God where He dwells in glory - - - sinful man, washed by the blood of Christ, must make their dwelling WITH God, in His holy sanctuary!

Something like what's described in John 15 - "Abide in me and I will Abide in you...apart from me you can do nothing...if a man remains in the vine, he will bear much fruit..." Much fruit, like the fruit of a life that will never be shaken. Also, it goes on to imply that remaining in the Vine means obeying His commandments, the very commandments that the Vine gives you power to follow. And you show your love for the Lord Jesus by obeying His commands, therefore dwelling with Him. And when you do that, Jesus no longer calls you a servant, He calls you a friend. (It's all in John 15 - go read it if you want).

So, what is a good picture of what it's like to be living a steady life that cannot be shaken? Psalm 91! (Select verses are written here, again, go read the whole thing if you want) "He who DWELLS in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, My God in whom I trust.' Surely He will save you from the fowler's snare...He will cover you with his feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your sheild and rampart. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day...a thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you...if you make the Most High your dwelling...then no harm will befall you...Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name..."

What an amazing promise! A life that cannot be shaken because you choose to dwell with God. And as you dwell with Him, He transforms you into His likeness, giving you His very Character and nature...and with that, you can never be shaken. After all, who would dare come after one resting under the shadow of the Almighty God, King of the universe?

My prayer: "God, make me abide in you. I want to be found in YOU. I want to be noticed as one who makes their dwelling with you. I desire to be with you completely. Oh, to be transformed to be like the one I admire most, just by having the pleasure of dwelling with you! Just by being near you! What an amazing God you are!"

Smoothed out one area, others still rough

I don't know how many people, if any, actually read my blog...but for those of you who read my previous entry and are just dying to know what's happened with the mystery friend (notice I didn't even give away if this person is a guy or girl? I did that on purpose so no one would know) I'll give you a little update. Last night this person called me and we had a long, Long, LONG conversation. Everything was smoothed out between us. I wasn't being over dramatic, either - this person realized how much they had hurt me and how wrong they were and tearfully apologized. I just wish that I could have been in person to have the conversation so that I could hug them. But, anyways, things might be awkward for awhile, but the relationship was saved.

I almost dread coming back from church camp every year. Something major in my life seems to go wrong when I arrive home. This year it was all that friend drama, on top of hearing that two very close friends of the family, a husband and wife, were in a terrible motorcycle accident. Going to see them in the hospital on Sunday was right up there with one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I had to step out of the husband's room at one point because it was too much for me.

The wife is still in ICU, and when we went to see her, memories of the last time I was in an ICU room flooded back to me...thankfully there will be two wonderfully different endings in the stories. She WILL live, but Doug didn't. This fall it will have been two years, and the funny thing is that because Doug had the habit of coming in and out of my life over the many years I knew him in the back of my mind I'll find myself wondering about him and despite the fact that the memories of seeing him in that ICU room and then in his coffin are still so fresh in my mind, it doesn't seem real. It seems like it'll only be a matter of time before he pops back into my life again.

I'm facing a bunch of really tough decisions, and I'm not looking forward to any of it. There is a conversation that I have to have with my parents hanging over my head and I'm absolutely dreading it. But, God knows what He's doing and if I follow His lead, it'll all be okay.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Back From Church Camp

I hate this.

I'm back from church camp and already struggling.

At camp it was all so clear - everything made perfect sense in my mind and I thought I knew exactly what my plan of action would be when I got home...I thought I knew what was going on in my heart. I really don't.

It's like I was standing over a pool of water that looked perfectly clear and as I contemplated jumping in, I planned out exactly how to get this beautiful piece of treasure out of the water...but, as soon as I jumped into the water, the mud at the bottom of the pool was stirred up and the whole pool of water became cloudy and I couldn't see anymore.

I find myself really, really mad at someone and I don't know how to tell them. At camp I was convinced that I was going to talk to this person and make peace with them once I got home. I had decided that I was going to do everything in my power to bring our relationship to a place where we could remain friends.

On the one hand, I don't care what the individual in question thinks anymore and I want to prevent them from hurting other people in the way that they hurt me by informing them of what they've done to make me so angry with them. On the other hand, though, I somehow still think in my mind that I deserve the pain I'm experiencing because I shouldn't have been so stupid as to fall for the game they were playing...and therefore, I don't want to make them feel bad for hurting me because it's my fault they hurt me in the first place. I still love this someone dearly so the last thing in the world I would want is to hurt them or make them feel bad.

How stupid is that? They have hurt me and made me more angry than I've been in a long, long time and all I can think about is how much I don't want to hurt this person...but, the thing is, they've hurt me so badly I'm not even sure if I want to be friends with them anymore!!! I would be perfectly happy walking completely away from our relationship, because all that they've shown me over the last year is that they're perfectly fine without me playing a major role in their life...I honestly don't think they would be missing anything at all if I were to walk out of their life for good. Now, their words tell me otherwise - - - but their actions have screamed nothing but the message "I don't need you or even really want you in my life anymore!"

I can't stand to have my heart torn like this anymore. I can't stand to be so angry with this person and not have any reconsiliation. Honestly, I just want to be in a place where I can forgive this person without talking to them and then walk away...forever.

What do you think I should do? Make peace with them and try to save the friendship OR come to peace in my own heart about the situation and walk away from the friendship?