Saturday, June 28, 2008

I'd forgotten how much fun it is to blog!

So, I've officially decided that myspace is stupid. It's only a matter of time before I delete mine. I used to blog all the time on myspace, and then I slowly stopped...and now with this stupid blogger thing that I joined because of someone, I'm blogging again.

Not that I'm complaining. Like I said, I'd forgotten how much I like to blog. There's something so freeing about writing out all of your thoughts for the world to read, and yet, more than likely only a handful of people ever will. So, I know you're all just dying to know what's on my mind tonight besides blogging and the stupidity of'll move along to give you a taste of what's going through my mind at the moment:

I'm so glad that some things in life never change. As much as all people change and grow or change for the worse, there are some friends in my life that despite how much I've watched them grow (and, honestly, struggle at times) deep down inside our relationship hasn't changed a bit. And, words don't even have to reassure me of that fact - it's in their eyes. In the warmth of their smile. In the way their voice STILL softens when they talk to me after all these years of friendship. And, it's so comforting to be able to understand them better than most people do. It's so nice to be so familiar with them that I really truly can tell you what they meant to say or what they're feeling by the look on their face. And, I also love the fact that after years and years of friendship, there's still that tender place in my heart towards them. A soft, mushey spot, if you will.

Yes, in a world full of things that change all the time, it's so nice to know that some things still haven't changed. Heck, narrow the focus of that statement - in my lifetime, my affections and my mushieness towards people has changed so much, coming and going and coming and then going it's so refreshing to be around the few friends that my heart has never let slip away...the friends that I think will forever hold a soft place in my heart...friends who can say everything and so much more with one smile and one look from their eyes. :)