Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Mountain Maker

Last summer my sisters and I went on an epic road trip to Portland, Oregon to see our cousin get married. You know how there are so many "coming of age" movies and books out there - either from childhood to teenage years or from teenage/college to adulthood? Our road trip was the type of trip that inspires those things.

I was on the eve of moving hours away from home for the first time, my sisters were about to get their first apartment in town, and it was the very last summer that the three Crume sisters would be living at home together. We were all facing different feelings and thoughts about the adventures we were each individually setting out on starting that fall, and the only thing we knew for sure about life after that trip was that it would never be the same again - as soon as we arrived home, everything that we knew about our lives was about to change. Now, it wasn't about to change because of some dramatic happening or tragic event, but simply because it was time for us all to spread our wings, take flight, and grow up.

We laughed and goofed off for much of the trip. We also fought quite a bit too and I finally stood up to my oldest sister, giving her a taste of her own medicine - unflinchingly treating her the way that she had treated me for years. Tears were not absent on this trip and neither was an incredible sense of adventure. Adventure that included a flat tire at 2am right as we started into Death Valley, but led us to an amazing little town right on Route 66. It was truly an epic trip in every sense of the word.

Out of the whole trip, though, the moment I will treasure the most was the first time that we were driving up near the mountains of Colorado. I hadn't driven in the mountains in a car in quite some time, and I forgot how absolutely tiny you feel when driving around the base of a mountain of epic proportions. As I gazed up at them I was reminded of the fact that the same God that made them is also the God who cares for every detail of my life and who carries me through all of the major problems and drama as well. I had an amazing sense of peace in the knowledge that God was taking care of me and that He was already going ahead of me into the year that waited for me when I got back to Texas, the year that would change me forever.

Well, here I am a little over a year, one major move, four amazing dances, countless tears, one amazing holiday season, numerous new friends, one fruitless job hunt, thousands of laughs, one dance under the stars, one amazing spring retreat, hundreds of movies, hundreds of hugs, one kiss, one pair of hands held, and two broken hearts later...and I need to be reminded of that very same lesson. The very same God that made the mountains with a pinch of His finger is holding my life in His hand and will take care of everything that's causing my fragile heart to fear...because He is my very own Mountain Maker and no matter what has happened and changed, I'm still his barefooted little princess.